Utm Zone Indonesia

  • Download Shapefile (SHP) Zona UTM Indonesia dan Dunia – Sebelumnya lihat artikel mengenai Zona Universal Transverse Mercator Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Indonesia. Berikut adalah tampilan dari data shapefile atau SHP dari zona UTM dunia, pastinya Indonesia juga termasuk didalamnya:D.
  • Transform coordinates Get position on a map. WGS 84 / UTM zone 47S EPSG:32747 Area of use: Between 96°E and 102°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore.
  • Click on the map or use the Geolocate button to find out which UTM zone you are in. Maps Data Address. Center your desired location under the cross hairs and click the launch streetview button. Launch Streetview. Measure distances.
  • The zone is always written first, followed by the latitude band. The UTM system divides the Earth into 60 zones, each 6° of longitude in width. Each zone is segmented into 20 latitude bands. Each latitude band is 8° high, and is lettered from 'C' to 'X', omitting the letters 'I' and 'O'.
  1. Utm Zones Indonesia
  2. What Is My Utm Zone

Batavia / UTM zone 48S; Batavia / UTM zone 49S; Batavia / UTM zone 50S; DGN95 / Indonesia TM-3 zone 46.2; DGN95 / Indonesia TM-3 zone 47.1; DGN95 / Indonesia TM-3.


Link Creator −> Geoplaner URL + waypoints (latitude, longitude, name (optionally))

1) With the help of the Geoplaner, add and edit the waypoints which should be included into the link.

2) Should the waypoint title/names also be included (increases the link length)? yes

3) Click here −>

4) Copy the link with 'Ctrl+C' and paste it with 'Ctrl+V' to the destination.

The Geoplaner ( GeoConverter + Routeplan[n]er ) provides several GIS and GPS utilities in a single web-based application:

  • Coordinate Finder - find locations worldwide with OpenStreetMap and Nominatim
  • Altitude / Elevations - retrieve SRTM elevations of any location
  • UTM to Latitude / Longitude Converter - and vice versa
  • Latitude / Longitude Converter - convert between three notations
  • Geocoding - address to Latitude / Longitude converter
  • Reverse Geocoding - Latitude / Longitude to address converter
  • GPS Waypoint & Route Planner - create GPS waypoints and routes
  • Import / Export GPS - Data - upload and download *.gpx-Files

Coordinate Finder

Operating OpenStreetMap by mouse click: Change the map type betweenOpenStreetMap, OpenTopoMap, HikeBike, CyclOSM or WorldImagery; move the visible map section and zoom in and out the map. Furthermore there are buttons for browsing through the waypoint list, removing single or all waypoints and editing GPS waypoint titles/names.

Coordinates or GPS waypoints can be created by:

  • mouse click: Create a new waypoint by clicking with the left mouse button on the desired position on map. Select an existing waypoint by clicking on it, or move the waypoint. Remove a waypoint by pressing the 'remove...'-button.
  • coordinate input: Manually input of coordinates in UTM format: hemisphere, UTM zone, easting, northing; or Latitude and Longitude with three possible notations: decimal degrees: dd.ddddd° degrees, decimal minutes: dd° mm.mmm' degrees, minutes, seconds: dd° mm' ss.s'
  • address search (Geocoding): Search for postal addresses: country, city, street no. or POI: hilltop, lake, town, island. Check the correctness of the location by reverse geocoding by pressing the '-->' - button.
  • gpx-file import: Import coordinates as list of waypoints or GPS route by selecting a *.gpx file on your PC and uploading it. Press 'upload WPTs'-button for importing GPS waypoints and 'upload Route'-button for importing a GPS route.

Elevation: The Geoplaner automatically retrieves and includes the altitude or sea depth when creating a new waypoint. The elevations are delivered by Google's elevation service. The new Google-free elevation service is coming soon...

UTM - Latitude / Longitude Converter (WGS84)

The Geoplaner converts UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) and Latitude & Longitude coordinates. The coordinate converter is based on JScoord V1.1.1. The datum or reference ellipsoid is WGS 84 (World Geodetic System 1984). The input of UTM coordinates includes:

  • hemisphere (northern or southern),
  • UTM zone (zone number),
  • easting (x direction) and
  • northing (y direction).

Geographical coordinates: Longitude and Latitude can be entered in three different notations:

  • decimal degrees: dd.ddddd°
  • degrees, decimal minutes: dd° mm.mmm'
  • degrees, minutes, seconds: dd° mm' ss.s'

All formats or notations are converted into each other.

Geocoding - address search: postal address or POI

Geocoding: The Geoplaner accepts postal addresses such as 'state, city, street' or POI such as hilltops, lakes, cities and important places. However the returned geographic location are not always correct: Whereas the postal address lookup mostly returns correct locations, there are sometimes problems with the POI search, when the address string corresponds to several locations. So you should always check the search result on the map. If it is wrong, search for a more common POI or place nearby and then look for your POI on the map from there.


Reverse Geocoding: It might be also helpful to check the location by Reverse Geocoding (provided by OpenStreetMap/Nominatim). The reverse geocoder accepts geographic coordinates as input and returns a postal address. Just press the '-->' - button to trigger reverse geocoding.

GPS route planner | tour planner

The Geoplaner / Route Planner provides basic route planner functions for creating GPS routes suitable for outdoor or street navigation with outdoor GPS receivers. Auto-routing is not supported, however you can map out GPS routes by mouse clicks manually. When creating a route for street navigation GoogleMaps - 'map' is most suitable, whereas for walking tours or hiking Open Street Map - 'OSM' is more convenient. Open Street Map contains many hiking trails and tracks, especially in touristic areas and mountains and is constantly being completed.

The route planner internally buffers the coordinates as a list of single waypoints. However when downloading them you can optionally choose a waypoint download or a route download. This is important for transferring the waypoints or route to a GPS receiver afterwards. When uploading a GPX-File you can likewise choose whether you want to upload a route or a list of waypoints. The route planner converts GPS routes automatically into a GPS waypoint list. GPS track uploads are not supported yet. When uploading or downloading files no data or files are stored on the route planner server

Export/Download: After creating the route by setting several waypoints along the trail press the 'download Route' -button and store the 'route.gpx' - file on your PC. Then transfer 'route.gpx' to your outdoor GPS receiver via Garmin MapSource or a GPS freeware, or directly save the file on the SD-Memorycard of your receiver.

Import/Upload: It is also possible to upload and edit existing GPS routes or to convert GPS routes into GPS waypoint lists and vice versa. When uploading waypoints or routes the route planner does not import elevations. However when scrolling or clicking through the waypoint list the Google elevation service will add the elevation values and the route planner automatically includes them for the gpx-file download.

Accuracy of coordinates and heights

Accuracy of GoogleMaps


Most of the Google Maps are prepared from Landsat-7 satellite images. Landsat-7 was launched in April 1999 and is an Earth observation satellite of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The accuracy of the derived Google Maps / Google Earth vector data varies from 0.1m in urban areas to 15m in the Antarctica. The derived Coordinates are rounded by the Geoplaner to a precision of 1m.

Accuracy of OpenStreetMap

The accuracy of OpenStreetMap is partially lower than of GoogleMaps. Especially OSM country roads and walking trails can have deviations of 10m or more. The reason for this is, that most of the OSM data is recorded by volunteers with their GPS receivers and afterwards uploaded to the OSM database. Depending on their GPS receivers and the reception conditions the accuracy of the recorded tracks varies between 3m and 30m. The accuracy of most OSM city maps, however is significantly higher and is comparable with the accuracy of Google Maps.

Elevation accuracy

The elevation values are provided by the Google Elevation Service Geoplaner elevation server (which is coming soon). The raw data for that were originally obtained during the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM): The freely available SRTM data consists of SIR-C data from NASA and X-SAR data of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The SIR-C data have a height accuracy of about 6m on at a horizontal resolution of about 30m. The X-SAR data should indeed have a higher accuracy up to 1m, but cover only 40% of the earth's surface.


2020/10/18 - GPS Geoplaner V3.1

URL/link creator and HTML5 browsercache improvements: map type included and maximum number of waypoints increased to 100.

+++ Oct./Nov. 2019 - GPS Geoplaner V3.0 +++

+++ Replacing the overpriced GoogleMaps API with the free open-source JavaScript library Leaflet +++

2017/08/26 - GPS Geoplaner V2.8

a) HTTPS enabled with Let's Encrypt. b) OpenStreetMap checkbox added to the link creator.

2014/12/06 - GPS Geoplaner V2.7


Maximum number of uploadable waypoints increased to 2000.

2014/02/05 - GPS Geoplaner V2.6

Utm Zones Indonesia

New feature added which allows to create links composed of the Geoplaner-URL and up to 24 waypoints (latitude, longitude, name) as URL-parameters.

2013/03/22 - GPS Geoplaner V2.5

a) Graphical user interface improved, better scaling due to the screen size. b) HTML5 Caching introduced.

2011/12/05 - GPS Geoplaner V2.4

a) Easier input of UTM coordinates with delimitors, e.g.: '5.865.883'. b) Maximum number of uploadable waypoints increased to 500.

2010/10/20 - Geoplaner V2.3

a) Google Street View enabled. b) Minor improvements: file upload, waypoint deletion, address input.

2010/08/18 - Geoplaner V2.2

a) Implementation of reverse geocoding, triggered by pressing the '-->' - button. Reverse geocoder (Google) translates waypoints (coordinates) into postal addresses. b) Elevation output alternatively in 'm' or 'ft'.

2010/07/01 - Geoplaner V2.1b

Performance improvements when uploading large gpx-files: The file upload or rather the data import into the browser is realised by javascript asynchronously.

2010/06/29 - GPS Geoplaner V2.1a - UTM-Lat/Lon converter & route planner

What Is My Utm Zone

Improvement of address and POI search: The address of the position delivered by Google-GeoCoder is displayed for verification. This is helpful when using the Geoplaner as route planner.

2010/06/22 - GPS Geoplaner V2.1 - UTM-Lat/Lon converter & route planner

First version in English. The Geoplaner combines coordinate converter and route planner functions.

Projected CRS used in Indonesia - 96°E to 102°E, N hemisphere onshore

ID74 / UTM zone 47N is a projected CRS last revised on December 10, 2020 and is suitable for use in Indonesia - onshore north of equator and between 96°E and 102°E. ID74 / UTM zone 47N uses the ID74 geographic 2D CRS as its base CRS and the UTM zone 47N (Transverse Mercator) as its projection. ID74 / UTM zone 47N is a CRS for Large and medium scale topographic mapping and engineering survey. Replaced by DGN95 / UTM zone 47N.

ID74 / UTM zone 47N
Projected CRS Details
Name:ID74 / UTM zone 47N
CRS Type:projected
Area Of Use:Indonesia - 96°E to 102°E, N hemisphere onshore
Area Details
Area Name:Indonesia - 96°E to 102°E, N hemisphere onshore
Area Code:3978
Indonesia - onshore north of equator and between 96°E and 102°E.
5.42 °
96 °102 °
0 °
Coordinate System:Cartesian 2D CS. Axes: easting, northing (E,N). Orientations: east, north. UoM: m.
Coordinate System Details
Name:Cartesian 2D CS. Axes: easting, northing (E,N). Orientations: east, north. UoM: m.
Unit Details
Unit Name:metre
Unit Code:9001
Target Unit:metre
Unit Details
Unit Name:metre
Unit Code:9001
Target Unit:metre
Base Geographic CRS:ID74
CRS Type:geographic 2D
Area Of Use:Indonesia - onshore
Area Details
Area Name:Indonesia - onshore
Area Code:4020
Indonesia - onshore.
5.97 °
95.16 °141.01 °
-10.98 °
Datum:Indonesian Datum 1974
Datum Details
Datum Name:Indonesian Datum 1974
Area Of Use:Indonesia - onshore
Area Details
Area Name:Indonesia - onshore
Area Code:4020
Indonesia - onshore.
5.97 °
95.16 °141.01 °
-10.98 °
Scope:Topographic mapping.
Realization Epoch:1974-01-01
Origin:Fundamental point: Padang. Latitude: 0°56'38.414'S, longitude: 100°22' 8.804'E (of Greenwich). Ellipsoidal height 3.190m, gravity-related height 14.0m above mean sea level.
Ellipsoid:Indonesian National Spheroid
Ellipsoid Details
Name:Indonesian National Spheroid
Semi-Major Axis:
Unit Details
Unit Name:metre
Unit Code:9001
Target Unit:metre
Inverse Flattening:298.247
Prime Meridian:Greenwich
Prime Meridian Details
Greenwich Longitude:
Unit Details
Unit Name:degree
Unit Code:9102
Target Unit:radian
Unit Details
Unit Name:radian
Unit Code:9101
Target Unit:radian
Applicable CRS-s: The following CRS are based on this datum:
Coordinate System:Ellipsoidal 2D CS. Axes: latitude, longitude. Orientations: north, east. UoM: degree
Coordinate System Details
Name:Ellipsoidal 2D CS. Axes: latitude, longitude. Orientations: north, east. UoM: degree
1LatGeodetic latitudenorthdegree (supplier to define representation)
Unit Details
Unit Name:degree (supplier to define representation)
Unit Code:9122
Target Unit:radian
Unit Details
Unit Name:radian
Unit Code:9101
Target Unit:radian
2LonGeodetic longitudeeastdegree (supplier to define representation)
Unit Details
Unit Name:degree (supplier to define representation)
Unit Code:9122
Target Unit:radian
Unit Details
Unit Name:radian
Unit Code:9101
Target Unit:radian
Projection:UTM zone 47N
Projection Details
Name:UTM zone 47N
Area Of Use:World - N hemisphere - 96°E to 102°E
Area Details
Area Name:World - N hemisphere - 96°E to 102°E
Area Code:1965
Between 96°E and 102°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore.
84 °
96 °102 °
0 °
Conversion method:Transverse Mercator
Operation Method Details
Name:Transverse Mercator
ParameterSign Reversable
Latitude of natural originYES
Longitude of natural originYES
Scale factor at natural originYES
False eastingYES
False northingYES
Latitude of natural origin0YESdegree
Unit Details
Unit Name:degree
Unit Code:9102
Target Unit:radian
Unit Details
Unit Name:radian
Unit Code:9101
Target Unit:radian
Longitude of natural origin99YESdegree
Unit Details
Unit Name:degree
Unit Code:9102
Target Unit:radian
Unit Details
Unit Name:radian
Unit Code:9101
Target Unit:radian
Scale factor at natural origin0.9996YESunity
Unit Details
Unit Name:unity
Unit Code:9201
Target Unit:unity
False easting500000YESmetre
Unit Details
Unit Name:metre
Unit Code:9001
Target Unit:metre
False northing0YESmetre
Unit Details
Unit Name:metre
Unit Code:9001
Target Unit:metre
Scope: Large and medium scale topographic mapping and engineering survey.
Applicable CRS-s: The following CRS are based on this projection:
[ID74 / UTM zone 47N] [DGN95 / UTM zone 47N] [Indian 1954 / UTM zone 47N] [Indian 1975 / UTM zone 47N] [Kalianpur 1975 / UTM zone 47N] [Kertau 1968 / UTM zone 47N] [WGS 72 / UTM zone 47N] [WGS 72BE / UTM zone 47N] [WGS 84 / UTM zone 47N]